General provisions
1. This User Agreement is a public offer and determines the terms of use of the Daniry-Online website, accessible by any Internet users looking through the site (hereinafter referred to as the site users). This User Agreement is equal to the contract compiled in writing. By accepting this User Agreement, the User expresses full and unconditional agreement with all its conditions, including in terms of providing consent to the processing of personal data of the user on the conditions specified in Section 2 of this User Agreement. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the user must leave the site. 1.1. This User Agreement enters into force on the time of placing it on the site and is valid for all information posted on the site in the Internet information and telecommunications network. 1.2. The user accepts the terms of this User Agreement in full by pressing the confirmation button with this User Agreement. The user confirms his familiarization and consent to the use of cookies. 1.3. The site uses web analytics services. The information collected by cookie cannot identify the user, while aimed at improving the work of the site. Information about the use of the site collected by cookie will be transmitted to process and evaluate the use of the site, compiling the reports on the activities of the site. Personal Information 1.4. In the event that individual site services provide for the input of personal data, such personal data is stored and processed in accordance with the principles and rules for processing personal data provided for by the Federal Law "On Personal Data". 1.5. In relation to personal data, their confidentiality is maintained, except for the cases of voluntary provision by the user of information about themselves for general access, an unlimited circle of persons. 1.6. The site does not transmit personal data to third parties, unless this transmission is provided for by law. 1.7. The site administration takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from use not provided for by this User Agreement. Terms and Definitions Bank - Interregional Commercial Bank Development and Informatics Bank. The client is an individual who has concluded an agreement with the bank of banking services. 2.3. Processing (processing) of personal data - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) is carried out using automation tools or without using personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, update (update, change), Extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), deletion, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data (if it entails a negative impact on the reputation of our bank in the event of a request for protection). Personal data - any data related to person directly or indirectly defined or determined by an individual (and the subject of personal data). Personal information is any information that the user directly or indirectly provides itself in the process of using Daniry-Online systems, including personal information. The user is a person using banking systems. The user can be a bank client. Bank systems include: Internet banking system (including mobile banking subsystems), SMS banking and SMS-INFO, contact center, ATMs, self-service terminals. 2. User obligations 2.1. The user agrees not to take action and not to leave comments and entries that can be considered as violating legislation or norms of international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, generally accepted norms of morality and morality, as well as any actions that They lead or can lead to a violation of the normal operation of the site services and the site as a whole. 2.2. The use of site materials without the consent of the copyright holders is not allowed. 2.3. When quoting the materials of the site, including protected by copyrighted works, the link is not allowed. 2.4. The site administration is not responsible for visiting and use by the user of external resources, links to which can be found on the site. 2.5. The site administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the user in connection with any possible or arising loss associated with any content of the site, copyright registration and information about such registration available on the website or received through external sites or resources or other User contacts to which it joined using information posted on the site or external resources links. 2.6 According to the Directive on payment services and the Strong Customer Authentication Regulator, the Bank's system is right to request a multifactor client authentication and an outgoing transaction in order to comply with this standard and the subsequent ability to issue outgoing transactions, if the client's balance sheet is equal to or exceeds 300 EUR, and so The personal data of the account holder has been successfully confirmed. 2.6.1 Multifactorical authentication of the client is made according to the customer to the customer's personal digital map of our bank, from a third-party client map in the amount equal to the system number of the outgoing transaction. 2.6.2 The amount of the incoming transaction when passing a multifactor client authentication is up to 100 EUR, depending on your system number of an outgoing transaction. 2.6.3 In the event that the client for one reason or another can not undergo a client authentication, the Bank's system cannot release outgoing operations online. The withdrawal of funds in this case is possible either through the payment terminal with the help of a plastic bank card of our bank, or with a personal visit to the office of the bank through its cashier. 2.6.4 To make expenditure operations online, confirm the personal data of the account holder, necessarily, the status of your bank account must be "confirmed". 2.6.5 In the event that the Bank requested a multifactor authentication of the client, to confirm this procedure online time limited 24 hours from the date of request of this check. If the client does not have time in the allotted time, the Bank's system will impose free from a personal office until the bank's office is visited by the client. 2.7 In the absence of previously completed outgoing online transactions from the client's client's account to the Client's account in a bank that is not registered in Denmark, the banking system may request an additional verification coefficient, since this transaction is considered international. An additional factor in verifying an international transaction is the repeated replenishment of the personal digital card of the client of our bank for an identical amount. This procedure can be requested by the system if the client's balance exceeds 300 euros or the client is not a resident of Denmark. 2.8. In case of violations of the Bank's rules by the Client, which led to blocking a personal account, unlocking should be made directly in our main and only office. 3. Monitoring service of international transactions. 3.1. Service in the right to request an account of an account within this system. 3.2. Remote Creating an account runs across the two alternate replenishment to the amount set by the system. 3.3. Creating an account with a personal presence takes place by means of filling out an account questionnaire and its further approval. 4. Collection and use of information associated with the address. 4.1. To provide location-based services, the bank can collect in real time the data on the geographical location of the computer or the user's mobile device. The location can use GPS, Bluetooth, IP address and other technologies to determine the exact or approximate location of the computer or the mobile device. The location data is collected anonymously in a form that does not allow you to identify the user. Such data are not personal information. 4.2. In some cases, the user may ask to explicitly determine their location. 4.3. When combining information about the location of the user with his personal information, the combined information is considered personal until it remains united. 4.4. The location of users is used by the Bank to provide and improve products and services that use location data. 4.5. In some cases, in connection with your location, it is possible to compulsory acquisition of international transaction insurance and the product of pension deductions, a rate of 0.5%. 4.6. In the event of freezing of any type of transaction, the monitoring service for the regulated reason, its confirmation occurs in the identical incoming operation. 5. User payment information data. 5.1. Payment information The user in the Daniry-Online system needs to be updated at least once a day after data identification. It is updated by means of the work of any cash operations. 5.2. If the payment information data is complained, the user will need to be updated them by means of an incoming transaction to the assigned amount by a digital card number. 5.3. In some cases related to those or other financial actions between the client and the bank, the Bank has the right to request confirmation of income and solvency, the incoming transaction is used as a confirmation of the return on the set amount by the digital card number. 6. Limits for removal of funds. 6.1. The limitation of the amount per outgoing online operation is no more than 1000.00 EUR. Daily limit outgoing operations is 20 000.00 EUR. (The maximum number of outgoing transactions: 20 per day,no more than one transaction once every 20 minutes) The monthly limit is 100 000.00 EUR. In case of exceeding one of the limits, the monitoring service imposes on the personal account restriction on outgoing online operations. 6.2 In the case of imposing restrictions on the outgoing online operations for the output of the output of funds, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for restoring a personal online cabinet by replenishing a digital map in the amount of 120 EUR for citizens of the EU countries, or 11 400.00 RUB for citizens of the countries of Russia and the CIS, time to this The procedure is limited to 00:00 Moscow time of the current day. In the case of not timely restoration of the work of the private online cabinet, it is imposed by blocking to a customer's personal visit to the bank. 6.3 After restoring the work of the personal account, the monitoring service may require a recruitment of multifactor client authentication. 7. Accrual by the Bank of Taxes on individuals and legal entities. 7.1. The personalities of individuals are taxed only if this user exceeds the total amount of non-taxable tax. In other cases, an effective rate of 11.5% of the total income on the account. 8. Users lending. 8.1 Credit is considered valid from the date of crediting funds to the client's client account, in the Daniry-Online system and is subject to payment regardless of the withdrawal of credit funds. 8.2 Credit Agreement is considered invalid for two reasons: 1. If the client has repaid a full amount of loans, taking into account interest. 2. If the site has broken and stopped its activities fully. 8.3 When sending a loan application, you automatically agree to the conditions for transmitting information. 8.4 The bank in the right to transfer duty, if it is not paid, to full disposal to third parties, without consent to the client and without his awareness. 8.5 After receiving a loan, the binding of the bank card is required. 8.6 Credit can only be approved if your personal data has been confirmed and the total monetary turnover in the account exceeds or equal to 2000 euros.. 8.9 The Bank has the right to act as a guarantor, when committing financial transactions between bank clients. To do this, one of the participants in the financial transaction should be opened a legal account in our bank. 9. Other conditions 9.1. All possible disputes arising from this User Agreement or related to it are subject to permission in accordance with the decision of the administration of this resource. 9.2. Inaction of the administration of the Daniry-Online website in case of violation by the user of the provisions of the User Agreement, does not deprive the site administration of the right to take the most appropriate actions in defense of their interests and protection of copyrights to protected in accordance with the legislation. 9.3 The site administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this User Agreement at any time. Such changes come into force from the time of posting the new version of the User Agreement on the site, with which the resource administration is not obliged to report all clients. With disagreement of the user with changes, it is obliged to leave the site, stop using materials and site services. 9.4 Not familiarizing the site's user agreement is a violation of the Rules of the Bank that may result in the Security Service of the Cabinet's Security Bank before visiting the Bank's office. 10. By accepting the Bank's User Agreement, the Client adopted it and filling out its passport data, agrees with all written in this Agreement and undertakes to comply with its regulations. All information on the use of this service, including the passage of any procedures, is posted in public access in this Agreement and is written in international language for independent familiarization. By registering the account in this Daniry-Online system, it means that you have familiarized with the user agreement, it has taken its conditions and further any claims to work / regulations / any other bank procedures that are prescribed in advance, its creator / administrator / owner, not They are not responsible. In other cases, the decision of the complaints is individually.