Daniry-Online is a small commercial online bank with only one head office in Denmark. Our bank's customers are more than 800,000 people worldwide. Our bank has the ability to withdraw funds without fees, as well as all your transactions are securely protected by our bank's security system. To use the online bank, customers need to undergo multi-factor authentication of the customer for the safety and security of your funds. If the customer has a debit card of our bank, he can withdraw funds without additional verification factors through the payment terminal of any bank. Our bank also provides the opportunity to use online services for ordering insurance policies, plane tickets and much more. Did you want to invest in our future? With us you can do it without any problems! A large number of investment options are provided to your attention, as well as the broker's assistance to novice investors. All useful services are collected in our bank for the convenience of customers.
Being a multinational bank, we take into account the needs of customers in different regions and provide high-quality products and services that are global in nature and at the same time adapted for local markets. At the same time, we observe high ethical standards and always strictly follow the principle of social responsibility. As a result, we have earned a decent reputation in the financial markets. Paying special attention to customer requirements as the main priority of our activities, we also care about employees, as they play a key role in the successful implementation of our strategy. That is why for us as an employer, social values are a very important factor taken into account in employment. In accordance with our core values (cohesion, openness, reliability),
The leader of Denmark in financial technology market
Daniry-Online is a technological company with a banking license. Approximately 80% of headquarters staff - IT specialists who every day create the best digital products in Denmark. Machine training and artificial intelligence are applied in almost all processes. All appeals to our bank are processed by artificial intelligence. In 30% of cases, not even the help of the operator. Biometrics for your protection. Our bank uses individual recognition systems: access to your finance will only have you.Fully online. Always near
There are no departments and queues here. You can manage your finances through the website or just by phone. Our representative's card will be delivered to any room convenient for you in the center of Denmark. We help immediately. Almost all problems are solved the first time. Daniry-Online is the winner of the Danish customer service rating. Always in touch. We answer calls and messages around the clock, regardless of the day of the week and the time of the year. We deliver quickly. We deliver the plastic card the next day after the application is submitted by the customers of the application. You will be able to use the digital card immediately after opening an account.Jobs
A technology leader. We are solving ambitious tasks: we are developing a mobile bank, have created a cloud call center with 12,000 operators, and were the first in Denmark to implement a real-time voice and human recognition system. We work all over the European Union and the CIS countries. Representatives and operators work all over the country. There are development centers in 12 cities for this purpose. Career growth. Many of our employees started out with no experience, but wanted to develop. They now hold senior positions. Programs for schoolchildren, students and graduates. We conduct training courses and paid development programs, and cooperate with universities. The teachers are the leading employees of our bank.